Your browser does not seem to support the <code>audio</code> tag.
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: Amadegie_Ruhani_Baraye_Ezdevaj_va_ezdevaj_be_omwane_moasese_ellahi.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: Moghadame_Va_Sakhtar_Moasese_Amozeshi_Ruhi.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: Falsafeye_kelase_Ruhi_1_va_manteghe_Moasese_Amozeshi.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: Hadaf_Ayyam_Ha_Va_Ayyam_Siyam_Dar_Diyanat_Bahai.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: Magham Banovan Dar Falsafe Naghshe Elahi.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: Shahnam-Din_va_Eshdema.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: Ayandeh_Jahan_dar_Alvah_va_Pishbinie_Dianate_Bahai.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: esdewaj-va-khanewadeh-dar-dianate-bahai.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: falsafe-akhlaqie-dianate-baha-i-dar-morede-tarke-tahsobat-part-1.mp3
You can download the audio file in the MP3 format using this URL: Asl_va_falsafeye_Tarbiat_dar_Dianate_Baha_i.mp3
Works best with Edge or Chrome browsers. There are problems on i-Phone with some files, please try it on your pc.